- © 2024 Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH
With the further easing of restrictions from the Corona crisis, the threat to health appears to have been averted for now. Now less life-threatening questions arise about one's own business, processes and next steps. All these questions lead to a new fashionable term from psychology: resilience.
Originally, it refers to a person's ability to maintain mental health even under extreme conditions (trauma, poverty, etc.). Resilient individuals carry on. They can quickly adapt to new conditions.
Entrepreneurial resilience is derived from this. Gabler's business dictionary defines it thus: Entrepreneurial resilience is the ability of a company to withstand external shocks or upheavals in the social, economic or political environment and to adapt to the new conditions.
Companies and entrepreneurs* must ask themselves fundamental questions about their own resilience. It is a matter of building and expanding this resilience. In the end, companies can only emerge successfully from crises if they are able to react to upheavals not only through short-time working and cost-cutting, but also to benefit from these challenges and make their organisation more crisis-resistant.
The lockdown has also given us new perspectives. For example, with regard to our work organization and the culture of presence. In addition to these organizational issues, there are also much more fundamental questions, especially for medium-sized companies. How can we react to the collapse of sales markets? How crisis-proof are our supply chains? How solid is our financing structure?
There are no simple or general answers to such questions that can be quickly presented in a blog entry or a PowerPoint presentation; above all, this alone would not be enough.
The question of corporate resilience can never be answered in general terms. It always requires individual solutions and individual implementation that takes into account all the opportunities and risks for a company. All of this is well known. A good entrepreneur knows how to act and manage his company in order to be successful.
The great challenge therefore lies not in the knowledge, but in the implementation.
This requires a lot of crisis experience, leadership and a strong focus on results. For true corporate resilience, all structures and processes must be reviewed. This affects all departments and areas.
This is exactly where the interim managers of Dr. Maier + Partner come in. Our managers bring with them a wealth of experience in crisis situations and change management. We help you with experienced managers who have already successfully mastered comparable situations. You strengthen your team in addition to your capacities with an interim manager who deals with the crisis resilience of your company in an interdisciplinary and independent manner and not only gives advice for improvement, but also drives the operational implementation.
Within 72 hours of the briefing, we promise to present you with several suitable managers who will suit you and solve your problem.
Talk to us right here on!
*For reasons of readability, only the masculine form is chosen in the above text for personal nouns and when addressing persons. Nevertheless, members of all genders are explicitly addressed. The form of the editorial address does not imply any valuation.